so multivitamins is cancelled.
bwahahahahhaa, sorry, all.. um.. 8 of you that read :/
i just can't be bothered with it, too much to do, too much effort.
posted by Matt Taylor 6:49 AM --
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
woo! wee! long time, no update!
where to begin? well, it'd be nice if you hit that Funny Pages button and voted for me now and again :D
it may have come to your attention that Sticky is.. well.. not there! if you really loved it and want it back, Shout out underneath this post and i'm sure he'll draw again when he realised the people that RELY on him. cheers ;)
posted by Matt Taylor 7:00 AM --
Friday, September 13, 2002
GRAH! ERK! UNGGG!! more humourous storylines in the works (makes a nice change) just sit this current thing out and pray.
posted by Matt Taylor 3:07 PM --
Saturday, September 07, 2002
ack, been a while since an update.
i'd blame that on school, but since that's not the reason, i won't bother ^^.
yet another Sticky, this one has a more straight forward attempt at being humourous and offensive. oh yes.
posted by Matt Taylor 11:18 AM --
Saturday, August 31, 2002
In an orgasm of new features, i proudly present to you the Storylines dropdown, which will probably be more useful in a few months time, allowing you to jump, quantum leap style, to the beginning of the said storyline. Perhaps not quantum leap style, but almost as cool.
Secondly is the thing above the comic, which is designed to help new people get into multivitamins, as i'm sure they're eager to do. Oh yes.
And lastly, I leave you with news that life's so rad. I thank you.
posted by Matt Taylor 6:51 PM --
Tuesday, August 27, 2002
First proper storyline tomorrow! Hooray! Cheer!
It's also really weird on paper (or in notepad, as it happens) so expect it to be THE STUPIDEST THING SINCE EVER!
posted by Matt Taylor 9:26 PM --
Saturday, August 24, 2002
a new sticky, as WEIRD as ever :/
i'm down to being 5 comics ahead of the current one, eek!
must draw must draw must draw..
posted by Matt Taylor 1:41 PM --